Saturday, December 11, 2010
Land of the Painted Caves
The Bad News: They all turn into vampires.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Strange Things Come in Twos
I get summoned to people’s computers pretty often. Most of the time it’s to help print, or attach resumes to emails. Pretty basic stuff. Occasionally, children need help getting to games that they will find amusing. Twice today, though, I was summoned to the public intarwebs for a request I don’t think I’ve ever gotten. Both people, who were here hours apart and presumably did not know eachother, wanted to access documents on their computers at home. Neither had any special software installed on their computers at home that would allow one to remote to them.
"So how do I get my resume off my computer at home?" one guy asked, as though he were asking how to launch Microsoft Word or peel an orange. Even more disturbingly, he told me, as a means of locating his document more efficiently, that his resume was in the Recycle Bin.
It's easy to guess the punch line. In both cases, I was the idiot because I did not know how to perform this simple task.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Hot New Audio Product Here at DeskSlave Central
I know that when people ask for “Books on Tape,” they typically mean “Books on CD” or, more generally, audiobooks. So I don’t get all bent out of shape when they say that. It did take me a second to work out one that I got today, though. The patron asked if we had “CDs on Tape.”
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Sound of Music. And Pee Cups.
Not to be outdone, I was shocked to be asked a while later by a different patron where the pee cups were. “I’m sorry?” I asked the young man from, I’m guessing, the Indian subcontinent.
“Pee cups. Where can I find the pee cups?”
I almost told him that the place giving him the drug test would probably have them and that we would not collect or circulate such things when it occurred to me that maybe he wanted to pick up a hold.
Friday, November 26, 2010
In the Presence of a Reference Black Belt
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I Try Not to Think of the Kid as Hyperactive and Crazy
Saturday, November 6, 2010
A New Place in the Library
Even so, people want to know where the games are. I dutifully walk them over to this theoretical place and show them where the games would be if any of them ever decline in popularity enough to not have any holds. It's a bummer of a task, since, even though I prepare people for the disappointment, they are invariably disappointed all out of proportion to what has just happened.
In any event, I thought of a name for this imaginary part of the library, the wii section: The Unicorn Stable.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Baltimore Libraries: What the Hell!
Man Faces Charges For Attacking Woman With Semen
Because God Likes a Nice Smirk
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Fall is in the air...
and people show up with their college syllabuses* and can’t believe we don’t have their textbooks.
I try to explain that we don’t buy textbooks as gently as I can. I try to point out that textbook purchases are, you know, the student's responsibility and that we try to provide the other things for writing their papers and doing their research. (Actually, we don't; we buy movies and CDs, but that's a different post). I try to explain that if we did get into the textbook market, wouldn't it stand to reason that we would have to buy a copy for everybody taking every course? And even if libraries did provide textbooks, wouldn't it also stand to reason that the college that took their tuition money should be the provider, not the cash-starved public library?
When I get to that part, I am reminded of back in the days of yore when I worked at a college library. There was a woman named Susan who had worked there for several decades and who brooked no nonsense from students. One day at the busy beginning of the term, a bored young hipster (Nirvana-era hipster: flannel, knit cap, creative facial hair, toxic level of self-regard) slid a syllabus across the counter to me. "Yeah," he said in response to my query about whether he needed help finding something, "I need these." A finger tapped the list of books on the page. I went through the whole litany. He simply could not accept, though, that he was not going to walk out with a stack of texts. At long last, he put a smirk on his face and asked me if he could talk to somebody "who actually knew something." (Owwie! Put me in my place!)
"Certainly," I said and got Susan. It was almost fun to watch her read him the Riot Act about his responsibilities as a student which involved buying textbooks and not wasting library staff time with foolishness. Anyway, I miss having her around at such times to send people packing!
*I know--first declension masculine:
"Agricola davit syllabum puellae."
The foregoing was from the Misspent Youth Memory Archive. Instead of doing drugs and having sex like a normal teen, I studied Latin. Sheesh.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sir, I'm very sorry about losing your keys in the park. Repeating the story to the guy at the desk will not materialize them.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Kiddo? Are you Kidding?
Saturday, October 16, 2010
I must have been feeling giddy
Friday, October 15, 2010
Please Shoot Me, But Wait Until February
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
What Kind of Date
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Ick Factor: Incalculable
Then the pinky was deployed.
As I spoke, a real spelunking expedition was launched as she shoved her talon-nailed little finger deep into her ear and scraped away while I told her about the classes at the library. I tried not to stare in horrified fascination as she dug for treasure, reached to the bottom of the cereal box for the prize and generally diddled her cochlear nerve. I was hoping to be done before she was, but evidently I couldn’t talk fast enough. She extracted her drill bit of a finger as I gave her the times for our Intro to Microsoft Word class, and, while asking a few more questions, absently played with the gob of rust-colored goo she had extracted, eventually rolling it into a compact little sphere. As a sort of yucky coda to our conversation, she flicked it to the floor as she thanked me for my help and walked off, as oblivious to this whole thing as I wish I had been.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
2010 News Wrap-Up
Number 3 Most Important Story
Number 2 Most Important Story
Number 1 Most Important Story of 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
What I'm Reading
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sad, But True
If you leave your unlocked bike in front of the library and use the IntarWebz for a few hours it just might get stolen.
Coming Up Next: salt is salty.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Hippy Rules of Conduct
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Ick Factor 10, Captain
"It was on the floor in the Women's Room," she said, her civic duty done.
I carefully placed the bill on the floor under the desk. After applying the Purell, I pondered what to do with the bill. Any thoughts?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Today's Innovative Parenting Award Goes To...
The young woman using the Internet who responded with great alacrity to the disturbance caused by her child’s cries by putting headphones on! Congratulations, young lady!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Today's Uncharitable Thought
Thursday, September 16, 2010
That guy with the face tattoos
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
And How Did I Know it Was September 15th?
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Do You Work Here? Part 4
It's also not a good sign when the questioner has gigantic cockeyed glasses and a fanny pack, but those are just personal prejudices.
After flinching and recoiling, I gave her my stock answer.* I was summoned over to a wall display of old photos of our area. I was informed that several of the pictures were not hung evenly, which struck me as odd, given the condition of her eyewear. She also claimed that one of the captions was incorrect. I quickly deployed my Rhodia No. 11 pad
and trusty Pilot G2 .07 gel pen

(which are, incidentally, the official little pad and retractable pen of the DeskSlave Multiverse)
I selected a fresh page, where I dutifully jotted down her comments. I can't imagine who I'd give them to, though. So back into my shirt pocket they go.
* Which is "yes," not "only when I have to."
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Dear Genealogist
Monday, September 6, 2010
That's Jumping th Gun a Wee Bit There, Dude
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Not that this is a book review blog
But you must read Jennifer Egan's new book A Visit from the Goon Squad. It is an extremely well-written novel that I read in about three sittings. Each of its dozen or so chapters could probably function as its own short story. Each is told from a different character's perspective and someone who is the main character in one chapter may well reappear as a minor character in another. This gives us the opportunity to see what is going on in the internal world of a character and then gives us a chance to see how that character is perceived in a way that I found very arresting. The author changes up the voice in each chapter, so one may be first person and the next third, or even, in one case--that I thought would be horrible but turned out to be very interesting--a character's Powerpoint presentation. The changes make for a read that is never dull and I found myself wishing for a novel that had each chapter's protagonist.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Those Crafty, Evil Hackers! What Will They Do Next?
I typically don't get too worried about this sort of thing since it's never a hacker and only very rarely a virus. But I don't want people to feel bad, so I take it seriously, at least on the outside. So I went over to her compyootor to see what was up.

Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Not that I Expect Gratitude or Anything...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Nice Except
Monday, August 30, 2010
Well, I Haven't Heard That One in a While
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Up to my old tricks, part 2,316
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Oh Good, Entitlement Tuesday Lives Up to Its Name
Monday, August 23, 2010
Fascinating study...just saw this in ERIC
Author: slave, desk j.
Pub Date: 11 - 7 - 2010
Source: Journal of Child Development in Libraries
Peer Reviewed: Yes
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of physical and emotional neglect on self-soothing behaviors of infants and toddlers in a busy suburban library. Particular attention was paid to those to whom no one was paying any particular attention. Subjects ranged in age from eight (8) months to three (3) years. Longitudinal study models are considered.
Method: Participants were 49 children (39 males, 10 females; mean age 1y 6mo, SD 10mo). Investigator observed behavior from behind a cloud of self-righteous dudgeon.
Interpretation: Ignoring children does not tend to lead to quiet happy children.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
An Observation I Made
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Reference Question of the Day
Him: “Do you work here?”
Me: “Only when I have to.”
OK, I actually said, “Ummm…yes.”
I was sitting at a desk that had a large sign above it, identifying the person at it as a reference librarian, too. Not sure why this happens, but it happens every week or so. It's odd, since when I am in stores, everybody thinks I’m the manager or something. I have walked little old ladies over to the toothpaste and families to the frozen food at my local supermarket. I always tick off a mark on the stats sheet when I get back to the library, figuring that it fits the definition of reference. So why is it that, even when I’m at the desk with my goofball picture ID* affixed to my oxford button down shirt that I would not wear at home because it’s too dressy, would people ask that?
*Actually, the picture ID is great, since I sometimes forget what I looked like on the first day of my job. "Hang on a sec, who is this optimistic-looking fellow without much gray hair? Oh, wait, that was me. Back then."
Friday, August 20, 2010
A Few Copier Questions for You
If you lifted the cover, would you put the paper in the dead center of the glass? Lower right corner?
If there was a large green button on the copier that says START on it, and you wanted the copier to START, would you push it?
Would you be surprised to discover that copies cost money?
Would you get angry about any of this?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
You are the Champion, My Friend
I know times have changed, what with the ubiquity of cell phones and the disappearance of the "library voice," but this was a little too much. I interrupted his important conversation and gave him the bum’s rush. A fairly polite bum’s rush, but a definite bum’s rush. Offended, he told the person on the other end to wait a sec, that the guy in the library was freaking out on him, gathered his things and stalked off.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Nice Librarians Don't...Oh, Never Mind
Friday, August 13, 2010
I Think I've Heard of that Guy
Me: OK, what’s the book?
Phone caller: The book is Kill the Mockingbird. The author is Hefferly.
For the record, I did not correct her, just grabbed the book off the shelf and stuck it on the holds shelf.
In related news, a colleague swears the following is true:
A young woman walked up to the desk and asked to speak to Lisa. She was assured that no Lisas worked at the reference desk. It turned out that she had found Shanghai Girls in the catalog and the call number for it was "See, Lisa."
Monday, August 9, 2010
Oh, Those Patrons--Always Teaching, Always Helpful
Today I was asked for a concert schedule. Even though I was confident that no flyers or calendars or posters or anything else helpful had been dropped off today, I went through the kabuki dance of taking the older couple over to the bulletin board and the free literature dumping ground area and looking.
After that, I went back to the desk to check the Parks department website to see if they have updated their website since Christmas. Not a chance. I called...right to voicemail. I then went to the city's main site to see if they had anything. Nope. After typing away for a moment, the man stepped forward and said with a scowl and a knowing air, "Here's what you do: go to google and type in townname* and concert. It should come right up." It really did make my day.
* The town has a namesake in at least seven other states, and most of them are much larger, so it was an even sillier suggestion than it sounds.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
This Just In
Friday, August 6, 2010
I'm Totally Freaking Out
No dice.
I'm quite certain it was a coincidence that the one book that would really blow the lid of this inside job is missing. Complete coincidence. That nobody would have removed it in order to keep the truth from us. Just a little "error." A very convenient little mistake, if you ask me.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thanks So Much for Donating that Errand
Proferred several plastic shopping bags of CDs. As a rule, they don't make it into the collection becasue they've been played into the dirt already, but the Friends of The Library can probably sell them. So, gratefully accepted.
After she leaves, I can't resist. I pull open the first bag. A standard 90s mix, Miseducation of Lauren Hill, Macy Grey. Those should fetch a few bucks each at the next sale, so score. Or GOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLL, as you soccer fans bray tiresomely (sorry, still recovering from people's temporary interest in the World Cup).
Out of curiosity, I opened Lauren Hill to see how gently it had been treated. The case was empty. I looked in Macy. Empty. Babyface? Empty. Bob Dylan's Time Out of Mind? Well, the insert was in perfect condition, but the disc was gone. I began opening them one after another. Empty empty empty. I gave up after about 8 in one bag and 5 in the other, since the results were the same. So now we don't even have something for the upcoming sale. How could it be? She didn't leave her name, of course, so I can't ask her if maybe she has a separate collection of just the discs someplace that she forgot about.
Great, just what the world needs, more landfill. I don't want to just toss them in the dumpster, though. So should I take out the paper sleeves first and at least recycle those? Does anybody want a stack of scuffy jewel cases? Probably the second they get carted away by the trash guys, the patron will be back with a big oops and all the discs.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Rubyfruit Jungle
Thursday, July 29, 2010
This Might Be a Little Hard to Believe
But you know what would help? Brushing your teeth. Flossing. No, it won't get your book found, but it will keep a certain deskslave from calculating the number of minutes until the day is over.
No, Not THAT Kind of Hummer
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Welcome to the Beaver Trap
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Cringe-making turn of phrase in the New York Times
This novel avoids the pretensions and grandiosity of Mr. Shteyngart’s last book, “Absurdistan,” even as it demonstrates a new emotional bandwidth and ratifies his emergence as one of his generation’s most original and exhilarating writers.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Something I Learned Today
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Invisible Demons are Watching, Listening
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I Can't Tell You How Disappointed I am in You

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Ridiculously Nerdy of Me, But

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Here's Our Million Dollar Idea
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Not that we're 411
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Chances
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Where are the What?
Friday, July 2, 2010
The Fourth of Fun
Thursday, July 1, 2010
A New Game You Can Play at Your Library
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I wish I'd thought of this
What? No More Cookery?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I Thought it Was Called a ShamWow
I had my eye on her already. She had used salty language on the guy who tried to open the door for her. She wanted to smack the automatic door button instead. She had demanded that he let the door go so that she could do so.
It took five total bellowings before I realized that she needed a chair moved.