You really need to get up off your butt and get busy. Time's a-wastin', as my Danish grandmother never said. You think you're busy, you say you have work to do. I understand. To give you a little incentive to get on track and start writing our instant bestseller (working title: S.E.A.L.ed With a Kiss), I worked on a potential cover design. Once we agree on a title, I'll put the swoopy gold type in.
The ball is in your court. Don't let me down.
That title is already taken...
Oooh too bad! The cover has merit though. Get cracking on the title - once you get that, it'll practically write itself... right?
OMG! This picture has sent me into a fit of giggles, especially since we received a shipment of new romance paperbacks today.
He needs a kilt, and some long, luscious hair!
"You think you can help?" sniffed the tall, curvy brunette in the skintight wetsuit standing next to the seal tank. "I find that hard to believe. A man like you wouldn't know the first thing about how to treat medically-evident despair in oceangoing mammals." Her eyes raked over his lean, scarred, camo-clad body. Sean McSeksie ruffled his crew-cut blond hair as his ocean-blue-green eyes crinkled in embarrassment. "I never thought I'd say this to a woman," admitted the muscular thirtysomething Navy S.E.A.L., his gaze fixed on the tank next to her, "but I have a deep understanding of harbor seals and I love them. I mean, I *really* love them. And I think I can help your sweet, brown-eyed, gorgeous Sealia there feel just a little less lonely."
Kiss the Butcher: I've got your man meat here.
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