Sunday, June 1, 2008

Reason # 5,328 Not to Use Our Internet Machines

As part of my DeskSlave duties, I wander around the library, looking for people to harass help. I also occasionally look up from my internet shopping expeditions important research just to see what's happening in my immediate environment. Part of that environment, sadly, is the Internet computers. So I just looked over and saw this guy picking away idly at his nose while he surfed. Not just picking, either. Major excavation. Spelunking. Treasure hunt. I'm amazed that it didn't dislodge an eye. So: DON'T GO NEAR THOSE DURN INTERWEB COMPUTERS. Thank you.


tinylittlelibrarian said...

Apparently a patron recently wrote a complaint card about our security guard, who had been sitting at his desk doing some serious excavating. Ew...

DeskSlave said...

Ew is right! Such professionalism! Do you have the text of the complaint? That'd be worth reading! Did they try to be subtle or sarcastic? Was it just dudgeon?